
Entry (1/2)1  irokatra
Part of speech  2  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in French  3  [1.3] Ce, celui-là, celle-là; voilà
Examples  4  tandrefana ity, tatsinanana irokatra. [2.285]
Synonyms  5  iroa, iroakatra, iroana, irokitra, irony
Tables and plates  6  All the pronouns

Entry (2/2)7  irokatra
Root  8  iroa
Part of speech  9  pronoun [Full list]
Explanations in Malagasy  10  [1.78] [Bezanozano] etsy sy ary
Tables and plates  11  All the pronouns

Anagrams  12  arakotry, iratrako, irokatra, ra otrika, ratraiko

Updated on 2025/01/21